Getting the right car insurance coverage is essential for any car owner. With the right coverage, you can ensure that your car is protected from any financial losses due to accidents, theft, or any other unforeseen events. However, the type of coverage you need changes depending on the type of car you drive and where you drive it. For those who drive mainly within the city, an ideal insurance coverage option in India is Acko car insurance. Why Acko is the ideal car insurance option for city drivers in India Acko car insurance provides comprehensive coverage for cars driven mainly within the city. It offers coverage for damages caused by theft, fire, and natural disasters, as well as damage caused by an accident. This insurance also provides coverage for personal accidents, medical expenses, and towing costs. At the same time, Acko car insurance offers low premiums, making it an affordable option for city drivers. Benefits of Acko car insurance There are many benefits to choosing...