A health insurance plan is very essential as it provides financial assistance during a medical emergency and help you save on the health care payments. Though it is so important, it has been seen that around 85% rural and 80% urban population is not covered under any health insurance plan. People may not be aware of the insurance coverages, the procedure of claim application and many more. These may be the reasons of not having a health insurance policy . But, even if you have a policy, you may not avail the benefits of it at the proper time. If you made some mistakes, your claim application may get rejected. Some of the possible reasons of rejection are: Incorrect facts provided When you are admitted in hospital and you need to make the payment of the hospital treatment, the insurance company first verify your claim. But, if there is any misrepresentation of the fact or incorrect facts are provided, they reject the claim directly. If you miss out something or make some mistakes, ...